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Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Remember Mom

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. 
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. 
Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. 
-Psalm 139:13-14

Happy May! 
Happy Mother's Day Mom and to all the Mom's out there.

I wanted to take this time specially because Mother's Day is Sunday, May 12th to honor my Mom. 

I Love you Mom.  

For many of you know that I lost my Mom unexpectedly on September 16, 2002. She had cancer. She didn't know she had cancer. The day before I got to spend the day with her shopping, having ice cream at Diary Queen and coffee at Dunkin Donuts. I dropped her back at her Surfside apartment on Miami Beach, hugged her goodbye through the window. As she walked away, I called out again, Mom...can you give me another hug? She walked back and gave me another hug and I kissed her. I drove off. The next morning I couldn't reach her nor her neighbors as they knocked on her door. I called the police. I couldn't get to her myself right away as I lived about an hour away maybe more with traffic. The police went in and found her in her bed dead. It was beyond compression, to the point of more anguish I had ever experienced in my life. Like how does this happen? Why God Why? The neighbors said she was planting flowers in her garden at like 2 am. She went inside, laid down and died. There was still dirt underneath her finger nails that told the story. But still she was gone. I share this not for tears, sorrow but just to say that if you still have your Mom alive, remember her. Love her. Hang out with her. If you are at odds with your Mom, do the right thing regardless and make things right. Life is to precious not to. Don't live life with regrets. It doesn't even have to be on Mother's Day, it could be right now. Pick up the phone and call her. You will wish you had should she suddenly die like mine did.  

I know there are many of you in prison right now that have lost your Mom's. I know you personally some of you. I know the pain is real, like really real during this time. I am with you in your pain. I Love you and I do care for you and your pain. Perhaps take the time to Bless another Mom in there and you also in the free world. 

If you don't have a Mom, be a Mom, or reach out to one and Love on them.

I pray in Jesus Name that during this holiday you will have peace, even though the struggle is real. I ask that God would comfort you in your lost and somehow, someway you would feel Loved. 
Dear Mom's, You are Loved. You are Beautiful. My hope is that even if you lost your Mom, or if your a Mom alone, that you know without a doubt that God Loves you. He created you a -masterpiece literally and totally wonderfully made, the Bible says so! 
So thank you for being you.

I Love taking pictures. I take pictures of anything. Even though I will never be able to take a picture of you again, Mom, I treasure all the memories in my heart 4-ever!

I Love you Mom.

May you be Blessed by the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth.
- Psalm 115:15

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