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Monday, February 10, 2025

God Is Love❤️

God's love reaches the Heavens. His love endures forever.
Remember that even one matters to God. Encourage someone today in Jesus because You love Him. How can you not? 
Remember only what is done for the Lord will count for eternity sake. And if you don't know Jesus, today is the day of Salvation. Repent and turn from your wicked ways and surrender your life to Jesus as Your Lord and Savior. Once you do that The Holy Spirit will help you change everything in your life that is sin and turn it around to glorify God. There is no such thing as once saved, always saved. Behavior follows Belief. If you turn away from the Lord, you can come back and ask for forgiveness and He will make your path straight again. God's Word is Truth. Don't mess with your eternal destination, there is truly a choice to be made HEAVEN or hell. 
You matter and your are loved. 
Jesus Is The Way. The Truth, The Life.
Jesus loves you.


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