Friday, June 11, 2010

Surrender40, Inc. starts Pink Love Ministries

June 10, 2010

Surrender40, Inc. starts Pink Love Ministries and before we introduce you to this new ministry we would like to give God all the glory and praise...we love you Lord!!

Pink Love Ministries will fall under Surrender40 and minister to the needs of women everywhere with LOVE through the heart of God. As God leads and directs, we will begin to write daily devotionals, post teaching videos, encourage women to fall in love with the Lord as they begin to embrace God's will for their lives. We will encourage through emails, phone calls, handwritten notes, and most importantly prayer. We will reach women from all walks of life, from wealthy to poor, from healthy to sick and from free to bound. We will begin a daily devotional within Homestead Correctional that will start small until God enlarges our boarders to reach all women in prisons throughout the United States of America!!

We ask you to pray for us as we begin to minister and love through the heart of God. We ask you to help support our ministry in anyway you can. And finally we thank you for all the love, prayers and support you have shown Surrender40.

May God Bless you and continue to shine upon you.

With LOVE,

Pink Love Ministries


  1. May God Almighty Bless you and your precious vision as you reach the HEARTS of woman with LOVE...EVERYWHERE. May your borders expand beyond your wildest imagination, and may the blessings from Heaven pour down so that they cannot be contained. God Bless your beautiful soul.

  2. That is so very sweet even though you are my husband, but I know you are speaking the truth from your heart :)
