Florida not-for-profit organization that is tax-exempt under IRS code 501(c)(3)

Thursday, July 4, 2024

You Can With Christ 💯

Last year 2023 I purchased this wall art seen below that says; She Believed She Could So She Did.

It's a cool saying. It's encouraging. It's simply stated. Did you know it's actually taken from Scripture? 

Read it for yourself; found in Luke 1:45. It means that Women of the Word that Love the Lord and believe the promises spoken by Him will be blessed and see the fulfillment to fruition. Mary didn't just believe; she believed what the LORD spoke to her and that it would be accomplished. 

Sometimes in life we have to forgo what people say about us or speak over our lives. Once upon a time people spoke some things over me that perhaps they didn't mean it in an ill way, yet it was discouraging. They said things like you can never do this or that. God didn't really say that. Or that will not really happen. Or that is impossible. At these times it can cause a person to be discouraged, however take heart my friend embrace what God has spoken to you. Don't let it go no matter what. With the Lord ALL things are possible. 

I am living proof of this. 

March of 2010 I had bi-lateral knee surgery, the surgery didn't go well. The recovery lasted so long. I was broken in spirit, spent in spirit so to speak. I didn't lose hope. I kept praying and believing God would heal me.

God called me to a 21 day fast of only watching Christian TV. I had lost so much weight at this point and I believe that is why God called me to this sort of fast. 

On January 28, 2012 I was watching the Bay Revival on GODTV.

The Glory of God fell upon me right in my bedroom and I was knocked out and woke the next morning completely healed. My best friend and husband at the time got to witness firsthand what the Lord did.

When the doctors said you will never get on a treadmill again or a bike, take up swimming I didn't believe him. I chose to believe GOD. 

Today over 12 years later I am still a walking miracle. And LOL CAN power walk on the treadmill and CAN ride a bike! I do like to swim and CAN swim too!

Jesus healed me. 

I love Jesus. 

I live for Him period.

I not only was healed but just knew in my spirit a calling was to move to attend this church. 

Today I not only attend the church but serve in the House of the Lord.

Praise God!

It doesn't matter how many days, weeks, months, years you've been waiting, if God said; it will come to pass.

This picture I took at the post office where the ministry PO BOX resides and passing this artwork on to another to remind them as well. 

Just believe.

You CAN do all things with Christ who strengthens you.

Sending immense love to you,


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