Hey Guys, Trachena here๐
Smile Jesus Loves you, for real.
It seems like it's been forever and a day since sharing in the Great work the Lord has been doing. I want to first give a big shout out to those who continue to support the ministry, I appreciate you more than you know, thank you deeply!
Not to mention an inmate who brought me to tears; she sent the ministry $140, saying she wanted to give her tithes to the only ministry that really loved her unconditionally! Wow.
So God.
Even so;
Times have been tough,
but His Goodness and Love never fails.
So sorry to all who have experience any sort of loss, from COVID-19, my heart goes out to you.
We all had some adjustments in one way or another. Including the ministry. But make no mistake the passion is even greater to serve others in this great Love of Jesus and to share His Joy. I am faithfully forever in this to the end no matter what.
God willing more outreaches will come as the Lord opens doors.
For now the ministry has been serving in Pink Love,
with letters of love, hope and encouragement.
As well as serving their needs through stationary, stamps, journals, books, note cards and whatever else the Lord provides.
This is huge so you know.
Even one stamp means the world to them.
They still even get to read devotionals that are mailed to them.
It's so awesome and amazing.
We all need to know we matter.
These girls that I get to serve, matter!
Everyone matters to God. Period.
Some updates;
Robin was released and doing great living with family in Arizona.
Melissa was released and now living in Georgia with her family.
Nicole was released this month and living with family on the west coast of Florida.
The Lord added some new girls;
Currently the ministry is discipling 11.
Please keep them all in your prayers.
The Bible says that God cares even about the birds of the air, how much more does He care about you?
โEvery detail of your life matters to Him.
He only created One you, so that makes you way special.
Love you Guys!
God Bless you.
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