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Monday, January 7, 2019

Your Priceless

Happy 2019! 
Mercy, peace and Love be yours in abundance.-Jude 1:2

I've read many post about a "word" for the New Year. Like a word you can take throughout the year to help you. I've ponder that and I seem to come back to the same thing, Love. I believe with all my heart it's always about Love, and it always comes back to Love and Love is all we need. We all need to be Loved and we all should give Love freely. When I think about Love, I think about the ultimate Love which will always be Jesus Himself. God gave us this gift of His Son Jesus, and died for us even while we were sinners. It's really crazy to think that no matter what you've done, or haven't done, God Loves you and Jesus came for you and for me. I Love this new song by 
Casting Crowns, called 
"Even When You're Running"

-because we've all found ourselves running-

Do you feel Him in your heartbeat even when you're running? You try to drown Him out with your life but you still hear Him calling With a voice you've never heard but it sounds like home, home You try to shut in out but you feel it in your bones And it won't leave you alone His Love is inescapable His presence is unshakable Right now you don't believe it's true A better day is coming And you don't need another place to hide He'll find you in your darkest night His Love is holding on to you Even when you're running Even when your're running As a kid you said your prayers, now they're bouncing off the ceiling They took your world away when you trusted Him for healing He's no stranger to your heartbreak, He knows how it feels to lose, oh From the garden to the Cross, He's been chasing after you He's chasing after you His Love is inescapable His presence is unshakable Right now you don't believe it's true A better day is coming And you don't need another place to hide He'll find you in your darkest night His Love is holding on to you Even when you're running Even when you're running Your fear isn't dark enough Your pit isn't deep enough Your lie isn't loud enough To keep Him away from you The Father made a way for you The Son killed the grave for you Let His Spirit come alive in you Are you tired of running? The Father made the way for you The Son Killed the grave for you His Love is inescapable His presence is unshakable Right now you don't believe it's true A better day is coming And you don't need another place to hide He'll find you in your darkest night His Love is holding on to you Even when you're running Even when you're running Your fear isn't dark enough Your pit isn't deep enough Your lie isn't loud enough To keep Him away from you The Father made a way for you The Son killed the grave for you Let His Spirit come alive in you Are you tired of running? His Love is inescapable His presence is unshakable Right now you don't believe it's true A better day is coming And you don't need another place to hide He'll find you in your darkest night His Love is holding on to you Even when you're running Even when you're running It's time to stop running now You don't have to have it figured out All you need to do is turn around And the Father will come running

I Love this because He will not forget us. He knows where your at, and He knows how to get your attention. Sometimes our offended hearts are the breeding ground for deception so let's set our hearts on God and things above. Other times we just feel like nobody cares.  And a lot of times we can find ourselves saying God where are you? But let me tell you that God does care about you, so much so that He calls you Priceless. 
Yes, your Priceless. 
And yes He will not forget you. God remembers you. 
If your feeling like your all alone I so understand. But one thing I can honestly say, God is with you and no matter what He Loves you. 
Even much water cannot put out the flame of Love. Floods cannot drown Love. 
-Song of Solomon 8:7
In this New Year, you can tell God
I surrender. I surrender my life.
I surrender my will.
I surrender my desires.
He will come and fill your life with joy unspeakable, lots of laughs and silly things even in your tears. But more importantly His relentless Love will be a banner over your life.

You've been doing it your way. Now do is My way. 

Purge anything in your life that could be polluting your heart and mind. That could be TV, books, music, social media and even relationships. These things should draw you closer to God, not away. Get into His Word, and stay in it, no matter what. Pray no matter what. And if you do have access to music, listen to Worship and Christian music to lift you up. 
He inhabits the Praises of His People.  -Psalm 22:3. 
The closest times like EVER I've had was singing to Him.
At the end of the day, whether your in a relationship or not, God must be our First Love. 

He must be First in everything. 

How great you are, O Sovereign Lord! There is no one like you, 
and there is no God but you. -2 Samuel 7:22

We do not know what tomorrow will hold, so today know He Loves you so much and He is calling you to a relationship with Him. 

Your Priceless.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, 
I know that full well. -Psalm 139:14 
Your Priceless. 

God...is my witness how constantly I remember you.
-Romans 1:9
Your Priceless.

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