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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Ducks and Then Stella

This picture above was taken in May of 2015. As many of you know we have a homeless pet ministry called SpinkyPets. These are 10 babies and both Dad and Mom on our patio. We raised these ducks until they were big enough to fly. We watched days where Dad and Mom would teach them. I personally grew to Love them deeply, I am sure Steve did too. We also feed many cats too which we Love. At this time we were feeding Spencer and Sabrina two cats that had many babies over a 2 year span. One day Mom Sabrina ran up on our patio and took one of the baby ducks. I watched in horror. I watched Sabrina take this baby duck all the way to the forest behind our home. I sat and cried for hours, I mean really cried like a baby and couldn't stop. My heart was broken! I cried out to God asking why! I get teary even today thinking of that day and how Dad and Mom ducks were so unsettled as they watched Sabrina the cat take one of their babies. 

God cares about every detail of your life. He cares when you cry over baby ducks, He cares when people hurt you or mistreat you. He cares about everything that concerns you. We don't always see or believe that especially when we are going through pain. We know He is faithful and we put our trust in Him. Gal 5:6 says; The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through Love. We put our Faith in The One who holds everything. We know that He works everything out for the good of those who Love Him and are called according to His purposes-Romans 8:28 right?

On January 22, 2016 God blessed me with Stella. She truly is a God girl cat. I know that God gave me Stella, I could write a post for days of all the things God showed me that He gave me Stella. The one I want to share is this-That horrible day of May 7, 2015 when I watched in disbelief "Sabrina" the cat take that baby duck I loved so much, well Sabrina was being a Mom that needed to feed her litter of babies that were born on April 20, 2015. And guess what? Stella was one of those babies! I can't tell you in words or express the depth of my Love for Stella today, but I know God gave her to me. He saw me that day crying deeply over a duck and then blessed me with Stella who survived by eating that duck!

God cares! HE Loves you! And if you will put your trust in Him 100%, He will always work things out for your good even if they don't seem good then, later on you will reap a blessing from Him. 

Here is my baby girl Stella who I rescued from the wild. She was born on the floor of the forest. I've had so many cats over the years, but she by far exceeds any cat I've had, because not only is she like almost perfect (literally) but because this was God's gift to me.  

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