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Monday, December 7, 2015

Performance Love

So recently I was hurt by someone I love. We all have been there right? Well regardless of the pain, I pressed on in God's Love and sent her and her family a Christmas card. Many days later I got a text message back saying; thank you I wasn't expecting nothing. I pondered that reply. And this is what God showed me. 

When I was a child and even when I was officially grown (by age that is) my parents had expectations on me. It was to get good grades on my report card, kept my room clean, be nice to my sister and others. I mean these weren't out of the norm expectations right? Most parents want their kids to excel right? But what happened when I didn't live up to these expectations or perform up to their standards? Well usually I either got yelled at, the belt or put on punishment and sometimes all of the above. But when I brought home the report card with all A's and 1 B, my room was sparkly clean and I was nice to my sister and others I was rewarded-rightfully so right? So I developed a "Performance Love" meaning when I did good I was rewarded and loved and when I didn't 
I was punished and not shown love. 

Back to the person who hurt me-she obviously was raised the same way-what she thought her performance deserved. It hurt my heart that she thought I only loved her when she was acting a certain way. And that she really didn't know that I loved her no matter what-unconditionally.  I don't blame her. I understand how she would think that based in how I was raised and maybe you too?

God's Love (Agape Love) unconditional selfless, self-giving and sacrificial love. 
Do you have that for others?

When we really love others (God's Love) there is no expectations on that person. We want the best for them, but if they fail to live up to that we don't withhold love. We don't gossip about them. We actually cover them-Love covers. 

This also needs to be applied for those that clearly show in actions and in truth that they don't love you. If you truly love someone, just because they don't love you back shouldn't stop you from loving them. If you stop loving them back because of there lack of love in return then your love for them 
is conditional or a type of performance love. 

Let's Love Like Jesus-Not in a Performance type Love-Let others know with God's help you will Love them unconditionally and no matter what-

God is crazy about you! He loves you no matter what! 
His Love is relentless-
Let's put on His Love to Love others
and take off any conditional or performance type Love.

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