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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Seeking His Kingdom

Matthew 6:33 (AMP)

But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His Kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.

Happy and Blessed New Year...wow its 2015!! 
May this year be filled with all good things upon you and your families 
as you seek to know and love Him with all your heart.

As we walk into a New Year with new goals, resolutions, desires lets all take an inventory if we are truly seeking His Kingdom. I purposely used the Amplified version of this scripture to break it down deeper for you. First let me say, that I believe that this scripture is one of the anchors that keep our lives in His will. It's like when things are way off in our lives we can always come back to this scripture and do some soul searching with God. 

Take today to examine your life and heart. 

Jesus said in Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is your heart will be there also. 

Ask yourself....

Am I seeking FIRST in my life His Kingdom..by putting Him First in all things?
Do I give Him my first time in the morning or am I too tired or too busy?
Does my life show by actions and truth His way of doing things?
When I hear His word am I quick to obey?
Do I honor Him with my tithes (a tenth of all increase I received)?
Do I Love my neighbor as myself?
Am I in Love with Him?

Sometimes its just a matter of getting back to basics with seeking Him first. If your missing out on all the things that God wants to bestow upon your life, make it a point this year to start seeking Him first in all things. Lets be about the Father's business this New Year and watch His blessings overtake your life instead of you trying to get blessings they will just follow you. Our identity is found in Him alone, not anything else. Set your minds and hearts upon Him and you will experience the fullness of His Love, Peace and Joy.  

Declare This:

In 2015 I am making a bold statement for God..
I'm not going to let up, give up, back up or shut up..
I will declare by my life that He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords..
I will not be passive anymore,,
I will seek Him first in all things..
I will not allow my emotions or feelings to rule my life..
I will be obedient to His word..
I will love Him and others in actions and in truth..
I put the devil on notice you have no place in my life anymore..
I am a daughter/son of the MOST High..
I will not be defeated by you anymore..
I rebuke you in Jesus Name that anything you try to use in my life that is counterfeit will fall..
I take a BOLD stand...
from my life anymore..
I claim this for my life in 2015 in Jesus Name..
I am highly favored..
I am who God says I am..
I love you Lord Jesus..
Thank you for giving me another New Year..
2015 is my year..
I'm coming after it with you.. 
I shall not fear you are with me..
I will take boldly all the promises of God this year..
My love ones I claim will be saved this year..
Prodigals come home NOW in JESUS NAME..
Abundance is mine this year..
I will no longer survive but thrive.. 
I will GIVE more..
I will seek your way of doing things this year and all these things will be added unto me...
in Jesus NAME..
I will make you proud of me Father for it is you that I live for.

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