Florida not-for-profit organization that is tax-exempt under IRS code 501(c)(3)

Sunday, March 9, 2025

❤️Love Never Fails❤️

Today We served on Pensacola Beach and it was a blessing from God.

We watch a wedding and blessed them with prayer and a bible.

Weddings are so Wonderful to Watch. 

To ponder that someone found that special one to love for the rest of their life makes you smile. 

It's a huge life changing decision to marry someone. 

To pick just that one person out of billions is incredible to say the least. 

Marriage is a Covenant not a Commitment.

It's the second most important decision of your life.

Marriage is from God when it's done His way. 

The way of the world when it comes to marriage isn't biblical. Many will marry thinking it's love, at best it's lust. You want to marriage someone that God sends you, not someone you sinned with. 

Marriage is a covenant that you make to God first & keep it and then to your spouse. The Bible says in Genesis 2:24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and is united to his wife. 

They become one flesh. 

Don't settle for anything less than God's best for you in marriage. He must be in love with Jesus. She must be in love with Jesus. Each are married to Jesus first. When someone truly loves the Lord that something or someone will supersede anything and everything for Jesus. The Bible says to love your wife as Christ loves the Church and you can't do that if your not in love with Jesus. Then she will submit and respect you. All things of the world are dead and gone. You are a new creation in Christ, the old is gone, you are new. You let go of your past including anything that doesn't Glorify God from your music to your movies, profanity, drugs, porno, whatever your thing is that doesn't honor the Lord. Everything! Someone that loves Jesus cares what He thinks and heeds what He says. Don't waste your life on people that fake it to make it so to speak just because they don't want to be alone. 

It's best to be alone and have Godly standards than settle for second best. 

If you are engaged or planning a wedding, please pray and seek Godly counsel before making a decision to marry. It matters who you marry.

Remember Jesus will love you always and never leave you or forsake you. When you accept His love you can love someone correctly because you love Christ first. That is when love never fails, two people that are in love with Jesus and they become one. 

A three strand cord isn't easily broken. 

With Jesus in the middle it is unbreakable.

I love this quote from Charles Spurgeon...

I would sooner be holy than happy if the two things could be divorced. Where it possible for a man always to sorrow and yet to be pure, I would choose the sorrow if I might win the purity, for to be free from the power of sin, to be make to love holiness, is true happiness.  

As Christians we are called to holiness and a pure love for one another from Christ' love.

 It's rare, but worth waiting for. 

Praying in Jesus Name that 2025 will bring forth Jesus Marriages to Go and Share the Good News, lives completely laid down for Him in all they do. 

Bondservants in love for Him, He is Worthy.

Love Never Fails.



Monday, February 10, 2025

God Is Love❤️

God's love reaches the Heavens. His love endures forever.
Remember that even one matters to God. Encourage someone today in Jesus because You love Him. How can you not? 
Remember only what is done for the Lord will count for eternity sake. And if you don't know Jesus, today is the day of Salvation. Repent and turn from your wicked ways and surrender your life to Jesus as Your Lord and Savior. Once you do that The Holy Spirit will help you change everything in your life that is sin and turn it around to glorify God. There is no such thing as once saved, always saved. Behavior follows Belief. If you turn away from the Lord, you can come back and ask for forgiveness and He will make your path straight again. God's Word is Truth. Don't mess with your eternal destination, there is truly a choice to be made HEAVEN or hell. 
You matter and your are loved. 
Jesus Is The Way. The Truth, The Life.
Jesus loves you.


Wednesday, December 25, 2024


Dear Jesus

I love You so much. I know it’s not really your birthday today, it’s a day on a calendar that the world picked. I follow Your Word, not the world, cause Your Word is truth!
Even tho some celebrate santa & sing gingle bells, I love them all. I love this time of the year, but I love Your truth more.
More importantly I just want to tell You;
thank You & I love You with all my heart today & everyday.
I pray You comfort the ones alone today as well as the widows & orphans, the poor, the homeless, the ones sick in hospitals, in prison or ones that this is the first year with losing a loved one, even the ones with family and still feel alone. I pray in Your name they feel your love today in a tangible way & You show them they are loved & they really matter.
Thank You Jesus❤️🌸
Love You so very much 💫

Christmas 2024 Outreach❤️


Thank you all for praying for Our Christmas Outreach. Evangelizing is just telling others who you love & blessings them, even in small ways. When you love Jesus it's simple to share about Him. And really you can't help to talk & share about Him on these special days & everyday. 

It's truly an honor! 

Love You Jesus. Thank You. 

All Glory to You God for today.

Merry Christmas ❤️ May the Lord Bless you.

Monday, December 23, 2024

God's Word is Truth❤️

 Those that are wise follow God's Word. 

It is Truth. 

It's time! 

Surrender and submit to Jesus. 

Repent! The Kingdom of God is near!

God loves you at the same time 

God hates the sin.

God does not bless sin.

 Cling to Christ and heed the One that made heaven and earth. 

Tomorrow isn't promised to you, there is a choice, to be made 

heaven or hell. 

I pray today you surrender your life to Jesus. 

I pray He breaks your heart for everything that breaks His heart. You are called for so much more, don't throw your life away 

for that which doesn't honor The Lord. 

In Jesus Name! AMEN!

Jesus loves you and I love you too!

"But whoso hearkeneth unto Me shall dwell safely, And shall be quiet from fear of evil."

-Proverbs 1:33 KJV 

Photo taken on Pensacola Beach 

Cool Cross 

Love You Jesus❤️